Meal Planning Monday 29th June - Hot Summer BBQs


This week is a bit busy at the work front, but it looks like the weather is going to be amazing so I really want to barbecue a lot and hopefully we’ll finally get a chance to eat in our garden, it hasn't been warm enough so far. So the menu is a bit BBQ  focused, I don’t think I will have time to do all that's on the plan, but it’s nice to dream.

Red grouper and wild sea bass on the BBQ

Last week’s meals went mostly to plan. Some got moved around a bit and a couple replaced. There was an unplanned visit to the local fishmongers which resulted to a surprise meal of grilled red grouper and wild sea bass. I couldn’t find spaghetti squash which apparently is in season a bit later in the year, so I will come back to that recipe when I actually can get the main ingredient.

Moose salami and grilled vegetable pizza

And on Saturday we didn’t have a BBQ, but instead I did the the moose and grilled veg pizza, which husband also had on Sunday when I went for a girly chat to our neighbour's who made me a lovely roast chicken. I made us a gooey chocolate and arctic cloudberry layer cake for dessert.

Chocolate and arctic cloudberry layer cake

The good

Moose salami and grilled vegetables pizza – we haven’t had pizza in a long time and this one was very good. Will be doing more pizza in future. And will be stocking up on moose salami next time I go to Finland. I actually had a nightmare the other night that I went with just a little trolley bag and couldn't bring anything back. As if that would ever happen. I also had a dream that I forgot to organize my wedding and was really happy when I woke up to remember that I didn't forget and am in fact married.

Rocket, watercress and spinach pesto – this was a very delicious discovery. It's an excellent way to incorporate super healthy watercress and rocket into your diet.

Chocolate and arctic cloudberry layer cake – I followed this recipe apart from using some maple syrup in the batter and arctic cloudberry jam for the filling.

Grilled fish – found a new local fishmongers with lots of fabulous fish. Will definitely be visiting them again this week.

Finnish moose salami

Oven baked salmon with Finn Crisp and rocket pesto crust – have had this many years ago but never made myself before but was really really yummy

The bad

Chicken Marsala  - it  turned out ok, but I wasn’t wildly excited, there are more exciting ways to do chicken. Next time I'll drink the Marsala.

Kale - I had to throw away the bag of kale. I just couldn’t do it. I bought a bag on Monday and  eyeballed it over a couple of days before finally deciding it’s now or never. I opened the back and had a careful sniff and a taste. I decided it was never, I couldn’t do it to my husband. Or myself for that matter.

Bag of kale

The Ugly

Red Grouper – super yummy, but maybe not the prettiest face, although colour is beautiful

A red grouper waiting to go on the BBQ

Cabbage rolls – I made traditional Finnish cabbage rolls, but won’t be making them again, I just can’t cope with the smell of boiling cabbage, boiling and smelling on the stove for bloody hours. And they are not particularly appetising looking little lumps.

Traditional Finnish cabbage rolls with ground beef

This week's BBQ galore dinner plan:

Monday         Finnish summer soup
Tuesday        Rye crusted parmesan chicken
Wednesday    BBQ – Greek lamburgers, tsatsiki, homemade pitta and Greek salad
Thursday       Leftovers of the above
Friday           BBQ – Grilled snapper – or whatever catches my eye this time at the local fishmongers
Saturday        BBQ  - Lamb and chicken kebabs, roast new potatoes, rice with saffron and barberries
Sunday          Smoked reindeer tart on a Finn Crisp base (or another BBQ)

Hope you all have a good week! Plan shared at Mrs M's!

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  1. I love the amount of fresh fish and seafood you eat! Living in the middle of England I rarely get this luxury. Grilled fish with a touch of seasoning is gorgeous on the BBQ x

    1. :) I love fish and luckily my husband loves it too, it's also usually quick to cook after a day at work.

  2. Haa! Cabbage is one thing I'll never get Tom to eat, not when he can smell it cooking. I have had kale in a couple of things in the past and I know Tom has eaten it. One was like a winter stew with spicy sausage in. I'll let you know if I ever come across them again, even so it doesn't require a bag that big! :)

    That chocolate cake sounds like the Good Food ultimate chocolate cake, practically the same ingredients. I used to make it all the time for people I worked with, they nicknamed it the devil cake! :D really rich!

    Well here's to BBQ season! I successfully assembled a garden table earlier so I'm all set now! :D Enjoy your week!

    1. I think I''ve made the Good Food cake once - it's awesome!

      Assembling furniture is such fun. Whenever we get something husband says "you like this kind of stuff so I'll leave you to it". Where does he get that. WHERE! Enjoy your new garden table!

  3. Oh that sounds so good - especially that cake, wow! I did laugh about the kale though, my husband is not the biggest fan of veg in the world but that is actually one he will tolerate - it's nice if you toss it in oil and seasoning and roast it, it gets a bit singed and crispy like the deep fried seaweed from a Chinese restaurant! I also like to combine it with ribbons of parsnip in a cream sauce (that's a bit more wintry though).

    1. Thanks so much for the tips, I will definitely try the oven roasted crispy one, I love seaweed. And who knows, if that works, it might be parsnip and kale sauce next!

  4. Oh kale...the food of the moment! That roasted idea that Seren suggested sounds delicious, I might try that one.. Hooray for all the BBQs, it is absolutely perfect weather for it. Hope you've had a good week so far xx

  5. Thanks Alice - lovely BBQ last night, such a lovely tropical evening, we sat outside long after it was dark. Hope you have a good week too!

  6. Thanks Alice - lovely BBQ last night, such a lovely tropical evening, we sat outside long after it was dark. Hope you have a good week too!

